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Top Medical Malpractice Feeds to Follow on Twitter

Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the U.S. These errors, lapses of judgment or pure neglect include poor communication and inadequate skills. Medical malpractice is by no means limited to hospitals, and occurs in other settings such as nursing homes.

Unfortunately, however, most of these cases go unreported. So, if you want to be compensated for the harm that you have suffered, as well as hold the healthcare professional(s) responsible for their actions, it's important to consult an experienced medical malpractice attorney.

Additionally, it is essential that those involved in the medical field maintain a standard of care that puts patient safety first, as well as keep up with relevant laws and regulations in order to avoid malpractice litigation.

Accordingly, we’ve compiled a list of medical malpractice Twitter feeds that both patients and practitioners can follow. It's based on Twitter data culled according to content, follower/following ratios, frequency of tweets, blog popularity, the opinions of other medical malpractice experts and influencers, as well as our own subjective judgment.

Note that some influential voices are not included, either because they don't have active Twitter accounts, or because they only tweet about medical malpractice sporadically. Here, our goal is to provide the best possible stream of medical malpractice law news and insight.

Burg Simpson
Trial lawyers offering nationwide legal representation on medical malpractice cases. Listed as Colorado’s top-tier law firm for professional malpractice law.

Burnside Law Firm
A plaintiff’s personal injury firm representing people in medical malpractice claims: failure to diagnose, pharmacy and prescription errors, medical abandonment, etc.

Chelsie King Garza
Houston medical malpractice lawyer handling cases such as surgical errors and hospital falls. Blogs at: chelsiegarzalaw.com/blog.

Clifford Law
Chicago law firm practicing medical malpractice litigation, including cases of improper treatment and defective medical devices (product liability). Blog: cliffordlaw.com/blog.

Patient safety and medical malpractice insurance company. Legal resources for clinicians at: rmf.harvard.edu/Clinician-Resources/FAQ-Category/Legal-Issues.

Davis & Crump
A personal injury law firm that handles a range of cases: pharmaceutical litigation, defective drugs and medical devices, negligence in labs tests, and inappropriate specialist referrals.

Donahue Horrow
Donahue & Horrow, LLP lawyers deal with physical and hospital negligence, among other medical malpractice cases. Blog at: donahuehorrow.com/category/medical-malpractice.

Elk and Elk
This Ohio law firm’s injury attorneys specialize in handling medical malpractice cases like anesthesia mistakes, wrongful death and nursing home neglect.

Gerry Oginski
Gerry is an NY medical malpractice lawyer who offers dozens of video resources on the subject. He blogs at: oginski-law.com/blog.

KeosianBerberian LLP
The KB lawyers constitute an LA-based firm that offers legal services in the areas of medical malpractice, personal injury and elder abuse/neglect.

Levin & Perconti
This Chicago firm has handled various cases such as misread x-rays, slides & ultrasounds; and HMO misconduct and spinal cord injuries. Blog: medicalmalpractice.levinperconti.com.

Matt Willens
Matthew is a Chicago-based personal injury lawyer and a member of the National Association of Distinguished Counsel (the nation's top 1% of attorneys).

Medical Malpractice
Features Jeff E. Messing, who has been representing medical malpractice victims for over 30 years. Blog available at medicalmalpracticelawyers.com/blog.

Medical Malpractice
A nationwide network of medical malpractice attorneys experienced in varied cases regarding healthcare complications: nerve damage, robotic surgery mistakes, amputations, etc.

Richard Jaffe
The Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe pursues medical malpractice cases such as post-op infections, stroke misdiagnosis, and malnutrition & dehydration. Blog: cohenjaffe.com/blog.

Rosenberg Minc Law
RMFW Law is a medical malpractice firm that assists plaintiffs in their claims for medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering. Blog at: medicalmalpractice.net/blog.

Safe Patient Project
This campaign works to end secrecy about hospital infections, medical errors, doctor accountability, etc. It has influenced legislation across the U.S.

Trolman, Glaser & Lichtman, P.C. are medical malpractice lawyers that represent victims of dental, OB-GYN and podiatric malpractice. Blog at: tgllaw.com/en/blog.

The WKW attorneys deal with cases involving a lack of action, anesthesia errors, lack of informed consent, and obstetric/labor and delivery errors. Blog at: wkw.com/blog.
