Sexual Assault

Definition of Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is a crime in which a defendant sexually penetrates a victim without their consent and expressly against their wishes. This can range from rape to kissing someone, and as such, the sentence that the crime carries can differ greatly from case to case.

Sexual assault is considered to be a felony crime and is normally punishable with incarceration of a number of years. However, it can be very hard to prove that sexual assault took place. If the victim is able to, they will consent to having a rape examination carried out, which could find DNA evidence of the criminal that committed the offense.

Sexual Assault Explained

If there is no physical DNA evidence, and there are no witnesses, it can often be the case that the defendant is found not guilty. The onus of proof is very high in such a case, and guilt must be proven conclusively.

The issue of consent arises in sexual assault cases, and is often challenged by the defendant's legal team when defending such a case. The victim normally has the right to anonymity during such cases.

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