Wet reckless is a reduced charge for individuals caught driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while impaired (DWI). Prosecutors generally offer wet reckless as a plea bargain in drunk driving cases in which no accident occurred, the individual had no prior records and the driver's blood alcohol concentration level was borderline illegal (near but not exceeding 0.08%). However, which incidences qualify for a wet reckless charge vary by state.
Individuals in the United States who are caught driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while impaired (DWI) may be offered wet reckless as a plea bargain. Wet reckless is a reduced charge that carries lesser probation, jail time and fines, and comes without a drunk driving conviction record. Wet reckless is not considered a drunk driving conviction unless there is a subsequent conviction in the next 10 years; in that case it would be regarded as a conviction. Prosecutors offer it as a plea bargain usually only when there has been no accident or damages due to drunk driving. Sometimes, habitual offenders try to get their charges reduced to wet reckless in order to escape or decrease their jail time.