Paternity Test

Definition of Paternity Test

A paternity test is a medical test. It is better known as a DNA test. It is conducted for the purpose of establishing parentage. This is mainly done when child support becomes an issue in cases where the child's parents do not live together. It can also be done to establish the existence of a familial link which either the father or the extended paternal family would like to continue to build. If the father's name is not listed on a child's birth certificate then paternity needs to be established beyond a reasonable doubt in cases where either parent wishes to pursue the other for shared rights and obligations concerning the child.

Paternity Test Explained

A paternity test is a name given to a DNA test when it is done for the sole purpose of establishing a child's father. Paternity tests can be taken for the purpose of receiving child support from the paternal parent or even in terms of inheritance and trusts where lineage has not been previously established. Paternity tests can be initiated by the mother or by the father. The establishment of paternity in most cases automatically establishes both the rights and responsibilities of the father within the child's life.